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Your Random Questions Answered!

What got you into goats? I love them and it’s a weird dream of mine to own some one day!”
It was an accident! At least, it wasn’t planned. I had a calf who needed a pal and I swung in and picked up a pygmy goat for $50 one evening and tossed him out in the pasture with the cow (which is probably why Merle feels he’s above the other goat’s shenanigans, he’s a gosh darn cow!). Here’s what I have learned about goats since then:

  • You will never find another creature with such a zest for life. They are happy!
  • You really do need at least two, they are herd animals in the strongest sense of the term and they feel safest and happiest when they have another goat friend.
  • Goats are addicting. Like potato chips. Or pizza.
  • Wethers and does make the best pets, but if I had to do it all over again, I’d probably do all does. Wethers have diet restrictions (no grain!) and sensitive tummies that make them a little less hardy than the ladies.
  • Get yourself a bottle baby or a goat that has been socialized VERY WELL unless you intend to really dedicate some time to taming them. You cannot touch Merle, it takes an act of God to catch him. Patsy and Loretta aren’t tame, either. Willie and Waylon are borderline. Annie likes to come snuggle on the couch.

How long have you had a passion for horses?
Forever. That’s probably the “cliche” response, but I was lucky enough to always have horses when I was growing up and they always ruled my mind and my time. I didn’t have a lot of direction with horses, but they were available to learn by trial and error… a whole lotta error.

I have photos of me riding my Mom’s mare, Sassy, by myself when I was in the 3-4 year old range.

Have you ever considered barrel racing?
Um, kind of? I don’t remember what prompted me to want to, but I entered our local open rodeo one year and ran the barrels. And I used to “barrel race” around hay bales in our fields as my Dad was in the tractor baling. But seriously considered? No. Not really something that holds any interest for me. I’m going to learn to rope someday (just to be handy, not to compete), and I mess around with the barrels when we haul to the local arena to ride because they’re good for practicing bending but that’s about it for me!

With no water at the campsite, how did you haul enough water for your horses?
Well, I bought a couple of water containers from the camping section in Wal Mart (they hold 6 gallons each) and filled those before we left the house. Kelly took the pickup to a nearby stream (not nearby enough to carry the containers once full, but probably a half mile or so away) to fill them up after our 13 mile ride and that’s all we needed.

How much land do you guys own?
Approximately zero acres! We’re renting for now. I have previously owned land but when I moved Kelly was already established on the rental property (10 acres) and, let’s be serious, moving really stinks. A couple other factors play into this decision:

  • I’m not savvy enough to know what it’s like in the rest of the country, but it’s a sellers market here and there just isn’t much out there for sale
  • We don’t know how long we want to be in this area

What state do you live in? The mountains and trails are beautiful!
We live in Washington state! But… the southeast part of Washington state. Go ahead and Google Earth it, I’ll wait. Yep, we live in the desert of Washington! To find these beautiful, mountainous trails we have to haul quite a ways, about 4 hours is the closest. But it’s TOTALLY worth it, every time.

If you were to get another dog, what breed would you pick and why?
A Cowboy Corgi (Corgi/Heeler cross). I have always wanted a Corgi but I love my heeler and really enjoy stock breeds in general. I think it would be a great compromise!

Why do you wear chaps? Just curious as I have only seen pickup boys where them.
I wear chinks to protect my legs and jeans.

Where do you get your boots from? I love the turquoise and the height!
I prefer the buckaroo style boot to ride in (the taller shaft, with a riding heel) and the ones I currently wear are by Tony Lama. I have white ones (discontinued), turquoise (discontinued), and orange (still available on their website).

Your thoughts on American Paint horses? I really want one so trying to convince my Dad.
Well, we own two of them so I suppose I’m a fan! But just like purchasing any horse of any breed, you’ll want to purchase the horse that’s right for you and the job you need it to do, regardless of breed or color.

Are you sponsored by any brands?
I work with a few brands, yes. I work with brands that I use in my everyday life and am proud to be a part of.
Andrea Equine
Cruel Girl
Hitching Post
Outback Trading Company
Tony Lama

What is your favorite breed of horse?
American Quarter Horse. Their athletic ability and versatility is amazing!



Fueled by equal parts horse hair and passion, I spend my days capturing the kinds of images that make you stop, smile and ask time to please slow down. Your story, your love, is beautiful and I can’t wait to capture it in images you will treasure for years to come. I believe in real moments and heartfelt conversations on the front porch. In the kinds of images that remind you of the joy that can be found in the simplest of moments together. 

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