Do you ever daydream about your “ideal life”? You know, what life would look like if you weren’t bound by the 9 to 5 job you must have to pay your bills. The life society tells us is normal, successful, the only option.
I daydream a lot.
I took the standard path after high school: college (student loans), desk job, vehicle loan, mortgage. And along the way, life started teaching me lessons. And then life got frustrated with me and gave me tests.
And now here I am with my desk job and a heart passionate for something different. A slower, more peaceful life. A life less about objects and more about fulfillment.
I’m not sure how to go about it, how to make it work, or how long it will take to get there, but I’m determined to live the life I want.
In my ideal life, I am pursuing a life of freedom with my (future) husband and for my (future) children. Living minimally enough that we can support ourselves in ways that feed our souls. Through photography, horses, that slow and purposeful ranch life.
It’s clear I don’t have all the answers or the map to get there, but I think for now it’s enough that I have the general idea of what I’m working toward and why it matters.
You weren’t born to just pay bills and die.