Pain is what makes you strong. And wise. And kind. And resilient.
So why are we all so afraid of pain?
Oh yeah, because it hurts.
I read Glennon Doyle Melton’s book “Love Warrior” last year and I catch up on her blog from time to time, and I have to say she is one of the most real, brave women I’ve come across in this big social media world. She is actively sharing her painful past, her daily struggles, and her journey of overcoming pain and turning it into power. It’s inspiring and thought provoking.
If you haven’t heard of Glennon, here’s a quick recap: she has struggled with feeling unworthy since she was 10 years old when she fell into bulimia, and alcoholism followed in her teen years. Then she got pregnant, and got married and became all of these wonderful things: a wife, a mother, a writer. And when things were looking their brightest, her husband of 12 years disclosed that he had been unfaithful to her their entire marriage.
And you know what? She’s strong, and wise, and kind, and resilient. And she’s sharing the message that pain is what has made her these things.
Glennon advocates that we need to stop fearing the pain, stop trying to protect our children from all pain, and start embracing the fact that we are stronger, more courageous than our pain. More importantly, teach our children that they are stronger and more courageous than their pain.
I have done a lot of thinking about this, as I have felt some extraordinary pain in my recent past and can honestly say I have come out the other side a better person. When we feel pain, we are more aware of others’ pain and this compassion is a very good thing. Our world could use a lot more compassionate people.
I also feel like I have either become a stronger person or, probably more accurately, am just more aware of my inner strength. I don’t have to be so meek and passive, I can have a voice and share my feelings and still be loved.
Pain is powerful.
“I’m grateful for my struggle because without it, I wouldn’t have stumbled across my strength.”