You know how you log in to Instagram and go to your favorite account and think, “dang, they have the best adventures, why can’t my life be like that?!”
While I don’t want to ruin the romance of it for you, I’m here to tell you that it’s not always as wonderful as Instagram makes it look.
Especially if your favorite “adventure account” happens to be a photographer. It’s our job to make things look good!
Sometimes, we plan these trips to the best of our ability and they still just fall short. But we’ve probably traveled quite a distance so we are darn sure going to make the most of it.
I think it’s important to “keep things real” and not just show the beautiful highlight reels. It’s important for people to know that things don’t always go as planned but that doesn’t have to put a dent in your adventurous spirit.
Below are photos from our first adventure of 2019, an adventure that was far more time driving and leading our horses over icy spots than actually riding them. But we still had fun!
After all, that’s why it’s called an adventure, right?

Greetings :Love reading you your blog! Last Saturday, my phone went Kaput: will not take a charge. So no looking at Smalls Kitty for me, till phone gets repaired or I get a new one…Its still under warrenty! So ta, for now (skyrocketcoast or skyrocket with Little Mare) Lily
Oh no! I hope your phone troubles mend quickly! We miss you over on IG!
Luckily, I got to borrow boyfriends tiny cell phone , have no land line at my house. So now just I am in the dold drums: my son has the warrenty and waiting for him to find out where to send it , etc.
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