“I’m so glad your ride your horse bitless! #bitlessforlife”
“Bits are bad, thank you for being bitless!”
“It’s nice to see an actual horse lover, riding bitless!”
These are all variations on messages/comments I have actually received and continue to receive on a fairly regular basis. And I reply to each and every person that I am not “anti-bit”, rather, that I am “pro-horse”.
People get the misconception that I am anti-bit because the horses we ride most frequently (and, therefore, photograph and share most frequently) happen to be the only two horses we ride bitless.

I have another broke horse, Wrangler, who rides in a snaffle. And we have two others that are being started, and will likely continue to be ridden, in snaffles.
I cringe when people instill their personal beliefs on their relationship with their horse without any actual reasoning behind it. And worse, I really cringe when people project those beliefs on unsuspecting people on the internet.
I believe in doing what is right for you and your horse in relation to the job you are asking your horse to do.

I believe in setting your horse up for success. This means giving your horse the tools he will need to be successful, both in training and in equipment.
Because of these beliefs, I personally ride my horse in what he is most comfortable and responsive in. For Spur, that’s a bosal. For Wrangler, that’s a snaffle. Spur gets shod throughout most of the year because I ask him to frequently cover ground that is hard, rocky, and unforgiving. Wrangler has “Easy Boots” that he wears if he’s going on a ride.
We’re a mess of contradictions, but we’re a loved, well cared for, beautiful mess.

I couldn’t agree with you more. I ride my mare bitless because she’s happier without a bit. She has a scar and split on her tongue, she’s never refused a bit, and I can put her in a snaffle if I want to but she’s happier in her bitless bridle, my other horses use a bit. I love how you put that you are “pro horse” because that’s how it should be.
Hey Amanda! Thank you for sharing! That’s exactly how Spur is… I can ride him in a bit, but he’s more responsive and less anxious in a bosal.
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